Thursday, August 20, 2009

Acknowledgement sikit la!

Hey, if any of you girls have the time, please plant my pic, other blog link as well as Twitter page on this blog. I know u guys have been real busy with exam and all that, but a little fame would be nice for me. Plus my Twits are so much more pwnage. Anyway, this Alex dude, when is he gonna say something? I fell a little embarrased at being the only dude around, and a little gender equality would be something to ease my troubled soul. But this guy seems inedequate at playing his role here.

PS: Choo, it would be most delightful if you could help me interact with your future hubby. I would like to know how he's like (preferably not an emo fag) but im always open to all manner of satirical sources. I would classify him on par with Wee Wee that is, if you can prove me wrong.