Saturday, September 12, 2009

Totally numbskull!


glad trial is over but yet one more exam to do.. JPS pper thingy..

huwm.. tough~ i mean the trial exam papers.. EXPECIALLY ADD MATH.. (need to bold the word ^^)

there's something you guys should know, bout what had happened during the day add math examination paper..

Let me recall back bout what had happened on that day=

On Tuesday, i finished my exam paper.. I had a quick review of what exam is coming on the next day..

what i'd seen is that FRIDAY is the last day and i had to sit for ADD MATH paper on that day..

so, i took my day off and spends my quality time with television on Wednesday and Thursday..

what a day.... as i was enjoying my day on thursday, my friend, ask me why am i absent and didn't sit for Add Math exam paper on thursday..

"WHAT!?" shocking! my first impression when i heard him saying that..

gulp.. i bet my mom would be damn pissed if she knows bout it..

so i just kept silent for the whole day and present at school the day after..

my friends were laughing as i told them bout' it..

hahahaha.. quite dumb actually.. hihi.. ^^,

so moral of the story is don't just do a quick review on what exam ur having on 'future'.. =9